KumKum Bhagya Produced by : KumKum Bhagya is Zee TV’s show that has been on for a long time and is considered one of the best Indian TV shows. Ravindra Gautam directed this TV show for Balaji Films Production. KumKum Bhagya Realse Date: This show started on April 15, 2014, …
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KumKum Bhagya is a popular Indian TV show on Zee TV that started in 2014 and still keeps people interested with its interesting story. This show is the longest in Indian history. Zee5 also showed this TV show. This TV show became popular because the actors were really good. Ravindra Gautam made this series for Balaji Films Production, with Ekta and Shobha Kapoor as the people in charge.
The main character of KumKum Bhagya show is a girl called Pragya. Her mom owned a building for weddings, and she was raising two girls on her own. When Pragya and Abhi, a popular rock star, met, they started blaming each other right away. Abhi’s sister liked his friend Purab but he liked Pragya’s sister Bulbul. Alia’s sister, Abhi, makes him marry a woman they think is Purab’s favorite, but they are wrong. They think she is Pragya, and she pretends to love Purab to protect her sister.
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